Saturday, March 17, 2012

...because I can

Life is so beautiful! I'm sitting at the table, the porch (some call it a patio) door is wide open, there is cool morning air today, and my coffee is tasty! I'm avoiding chores by stalking you on Facebook right now. I'm vicariously taking part in your races, your parades, your frustrations, your vacations, your deep thoughts, your family milestones. Is that scary? Ah, that's what social media is all about. You post it, tag it, share it, like it, and you're permitting your friends to view a bit of your world. Thank you! Thank you for being a friend, in real life or in the social media/arms length away world. Thank you for sharing!

This morning, I was checking out the donations made to the MS150 ride that my husband, sister, and 2 very dear friends are training for, which will take place next month. The bike ride is called the "BP MS150" because they will ride over 150 miles from Houston to Austin, in 2 days, to help raise awareness and monies for the fight against Multiple Sclerosis. What an amazing adventure! What an awesome journey, both physically and emotionally! What a crazy thing to do!!! I don't care to drive 150 miles, let a lone pedal that on a bike?! My guess is that they don't either, but this is exactly what they will be doing. Why? Because they care. Because they want to share their world with others. Because they choose to help make a difference. They are riding because they can! What a motivation!!

Today the sun is shining, the birds are chirping, the air is cool, the coffee taste good, and the heart is full. Today is a day that I choose to look up at the world, rather than at my feet, while I walk. Today, I release fears that sit quietly inside my head, as they are not mine to control. Today, I choose to smile rather than sit emotionless. Today, I remember to thank God for the air in my lungs. Today, I choose to share and celebrate life, because I can. Thanks for sharing yours too!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Last Wednesday, I parted ways with a dear acquaintance. We'd known each other for quite sometime, and had been through 'some stuff' together. However, like many relationships, it was time for this one to end. Each party has to support the other, and where I was well supported, in turn, I did not reciprocate and was neglectful.

I really did want to maintain what we had, but failed to truly do my part. Yes, I could have done more and probably should have, yet knowing our deep connection was soon to be broken, the distance I created was more intentional, than not. Likely it was denial, and I was protecting myself from the anxiety about going our separate ways.

Catheter #5...I thank you for being such a key part of my life, much as those before you. In my mind, you and I parted on very good terms, and it truly is with mixed emotion, that I say "buh-bye"

Yep, alls still good here! Its been 3 months since the last pheresis. Amen!