Happy Honeymoon! Lee and I have made our way to Maine, for our next adventure. It's beautiful. SO green..but then again, any color other than burnt is beautiful these days. A few fall colors have begun to arrive here, but its 'mainely' green. Har Har Har
I'm up with the sun again today, and soaking up this perfectly crisp morning air. Looks like North Georgia, feels like Colorado. My coffee is hot, my feet are bare, the weather allows for shorts and a a fleece pullover. Can you picture this yet? OH, bonus round, I'm sitting on the back porch with my feet up, overlooking a large yard and big trees, listening to the crickets harmonize with the gravel road and Loretta Lynn. NOW you can see it, yes? Peace. What do you do with this kind of peace and quiet...well, you sit still and think of course, or you make a lot of noise and try to avoid yourself. I'm difficult to ignore..for good or bad..even I admit that.
So I says to myself, "Self, hush. Listen" ..and we did. No joke, first, I listened to two crickets tune up. They had a fascinating sound pattern, before they settled on the standard tune "chirp, chirp". I just imagined how much work their tiny wings were doing to create the sounds, and then how much fun they must be having staring at each other, saying "oh yeah, well try this..." Then within that quiet, I hear the breeze ramp the leaves up with what would be similar to a high point in an song. It was well timed. Next, was a very brief accent of a truck on gravel road. Maybe the start of the 2nd verse, with added mystery or grit. Lastly, the neighbor tuned in an old radio (or so I thought) and we added Loretta Lynn to the orchestra. For those who understand my past, it felt like a Sunday morning at WHNE. All this and the sun is shining down, through the big ole mass of trees.
Hush. Peace. Quiet. This lasted for maybe 30 minutes, before traffic picked up and the crickets started to fade. But it happened. I was there. I can still hear it..in my mind.
What does this blog post have to do with Myasthenia or MS or health related matters in general...not much, and yet everything. Peace be with you.