Yes, it HAS been a while! Happy New Year!!! I really did/do intend on posting more often, but then I simply let time get by me. Honestly, its when I hear from you, that I'm motivated blog a bit.
Life is really, really good! I remain symptom free, and I'm not afraid to say that out loud. Tuesday will be 7 whole weeks, since my last pheresis treatment. Seven!! I've not been this long without a symptom, since the joy-ride began in November of 2008. Wahoooooo.... How long will it last, and what will we do when the symptoms return? We're not 100% sure, but I AM tired of sitting around and waiting on the next something to ma'am, done with that!
For now, the catheter remains in my chest. We are slowly bringing me off the Prednisone, and this should last for another 10 weeks. At about the same time, we anticipate the benefits from the initial Rituxan therapy to begin wearing off as well. We're keeping #5 around as a back up plan! Ya just never now when you may need a trusty ole tube to be hanging out of your chest. :)
Lee and I are blessed, and we know it! This year has started off very well, and we have lots to do in the new year. God willing, we'll keep MG and MS in the back of the car for our journey trough 2012.