Sakes alive, we’re
reading verse 5.
Thou/You prepare a table – What comes to mind as you’re preparing a table? First, there must be guest involved,
otherwise, I’m using the TV tray…not a table.
Fine, we have guest. How
many? Do I have enough plates (not
matching, just plates)? Are all the
forks and knives clean? Can I use plastic? What about place mats, oh, should I
use a table cloth? Cloth…cloth
napkins? That means I need to iron
those. Where are they? How many do I have? Do they match the table cloth? Can we go out to eat?
It doesn’t matter. None
of it matters. YOU prepare a table,
which means He knows you’re going to be stopping by.
In the presence of my enemies – In the presence of my enemies, you did what? First of all, if we’re
IN the presence of enemies…mine or yours…my gut reaction is that we must
defend. Prepare to fight! Instead, we’re going to sit down and this
lovely table that was prepared with matching plates? ..but..what about
Stop. Now flip it around. You’re on the enemy side.
How do you feel if you walk up on this awesome table setting, in the middle off
a dark, dank forest in the valley? You’ve
been fighting for days to capture this weak little soul who can’t fight their
way out of a wet paper bag. You’re tired
too and hungry. Haven’t eaten for
days. Then *BAM* …what? There’s a table all
set up for a lush meal, food may have already been placed, and there sits the
soul you've been chasing, relaxed and eating meal. In fact…is that soul wearing
stretchy pants and fuzzy slippers?
Ok. Flip back. YOU are that wonderful soul sitting at a
table that has been so awesomely prepared, and even though the enemy is
drooling over your meal, you know you are safe and can relax and eat a
meal. You get to rebuild your strength.
You are protected. You ARE preparing to
defend and fight a little more.
How awesome to know a
safe place to restore my energy and rest my old bones, awaits me, smack dab in
the middle of dark valley.