Thursday, June 21, 2018

Fun Facts From reFinement (FFFF?)

While June is Myasthenia Gravis (MG) Awareness month, I try to share on social media, a fact about MG each day, to social media (FB).  In doing this, the thought hit me that there are facts about me, that I've learned through my MG journey.  Here are my top 10...or those I can think of right now.

Fact 1: I do not have to rush. I can. I will, but on my terms.
Fact 2: Your emergency, is your emergency. Mine looks different.
Fact 3: Worry means faith is weak.
Fact 4: There are amazing people around ALL the time. Make eye contact!
Fact 5: Not everyone around you is amazing. This hurts sometimes. Regardless, your life has been enriched in some way, by this soul.
Fact 6: Not everyone around you deserves your time or energy.
Fact 7: Sometimes we must say good-bye to those not yet passed away.
Fact 8: My home is LIVED in.  Crayon+chalk+dents on the walls = blessings.
Fact 9: Life IS unexpected. Sef Scott from Plano, TX is one of my new heroes.
Fact 10: It is ok to sit still.  If you wont choose to rest, your body may choose for you. Relax. Sit. Listen. Be quiet.

I'm one of the fortunate ones. My body was/has been/is strong and can fight the good fight.  My mind and soul, are even stronger.  Opportunity for refinement is a gift. Embrace!