Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Answered prayers

It has been a rough month, but the past few days have truly felt so nice! With 3 treatments per week, over the past 2 weeks, we've caught up to the symptoms again. My vision is stable and face is near 100%. What a blessing! After my last post and reaching out for prayers, its awesome how His grace just washed right over me and gave me calm. Hearing from folks who either read this or received an email about this blog, seriously lifted me up. Letting go of the stress about the disease, allowed my body to relax and fight the good fight! I'm eating like a horse again, and trying to put a few pounds back on. Yep, I just typed that ladies. :)

Feeling good, and now, against all medical advice, Lee and I are taking off to Paris, France tomorrow, to visit with his brother and sister-in-law. We've been planning this trip for a while, and are very excited to take a vacation! The timing of course isn't the best, but when will it ever be? I accept these symptoms will begin flaring up during the trip, and so we'll plan to attack again, next week, when we return. Please pray for safe travels and minimal symptoms. By anticipating them, I'm releasing my stress over controlling the symptoms. I'll out-smart myself yet!

Thank you all for your prayers and continued support. Please let me know how I can also lift you up! Email/call/post...just let me know.

