Thursday, April 8, 2010

What a week!

Wow, what a week in Paris!! I'm typing to you from the 'blood chair' as I like to call the pheresis chair. We just returned from a week in Paris (yes, France), and saw just about everything! Thank you for soooo many prayers and well wishes. I fully know and trust that our good Lord helped keep the MG symptoms away, for as long as they stayed away. If you've shared my prayer request with others, please also share my humble, humble thank you!!!

We arrived on Friday early, and was symptom free until late Monday. Awesome! Today, back in TX, I'm fully engulfed by MG, but it has all been worth it! Lee and I walked soooo much in Paris, and he even asked me to marry him. (YAY!) With all of this exercise and excitement, the symptoms were expected far sooner. I'm blessed to have so many prayer warriors around me, lifting us up!

Today, I see double, can't swallow well, or speak much. So, I'm a bit frustrated of course. No matter though, I'm joyful on the inside, and know treatments today, tomorrow, and next week, will clear everything up. Thank you God for the beauty of modern medicine, and your brilliant children who I trust every week to make my body work. Aaaamen!