Day 1, stable vision. I think its important to count the good days too! Today is the first day in a long while, that I've felt more like myself. The right blood levels are climbing, so I have more energy; Eyes are calm and seeing clearly, so I feel less confused and more balanced; Mouth and speech are normal, so I'm more inclined to eat (and talk...I'll say it); the plasma pheresis treatments are going well, so I'm not getting physically sick after each one. Day 1! Its too easy to count the negatives, and I have been lately. I've been mad and very upset about where I am, and doing the 'why me' thing. That's ok, and I know that's ok and healthy to acknowledge those feelings, but its best not to dwell. So I wont...
Myasthenia gravis moves in waves, or patients experience flares. Sometimes medicines and treatments quiet these flares, other times they can't. For me, the symptoms range from double vision, weak speech and swallow, to weakened neck, shoulder & leg muscles. My treatment/medicine is truly the plasma pheresis.
In looking back over my attempt at blogging this past year, I reflect on my original goal. First, to help me avoid dwelling on my 'condition', I wanted communicate as much as I can about Myasthenia Gravis; to make the world aware this disease is around, to share the experience, the symptoms, the emotions, the frustrations and the successes that can come with MG. Second, to actually document my reality and make communication simpler to share with family and friends. Third, to clearly explain the divine source of my strength and energy, which is so necessary to get through all of this crap! :-D (Don't worry, He's heard me say much worse). Its been a long, trying year and we hear that after 2 years of MG, the symptoms tend to stabilize. We're still waiting... and while we wait, we appreciate. You should do the same.
Before your body slows you down, make a point to slow down this holiday season. Don't get lost in the speed of the commercial holiday season. Be present! Savor each moment you have with your family and friends. Look each person in the eye while you're speaking. Looks past their eyes and into their soul. When you exchange greetings with anyone, be sincere. If you can't be sincere, be quiet and smile. Most of all, let yourself feel the blessing of life. Regardless of what your faith is, what you believe in, or what you call it, feel the blessing of having life, of having loved ones around you, of having the amazing gifts that you do, and that you're here right now experiencing another day. We are so small and yet so wildly empowered. Don't miss that.
Day 1. Today was a good day.
Thank you all for your awesome love and support this year, sincerely!
You are a blessing to me!