Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Internal chatter box

It has been a month since we last chatted, time flies! Honestly, we've been chatting in my head for many weeks now, with the various topics that I want to share. Then I talk myself out of blogging. Lots of self talk going on, about anything, something and nothing. Yes, all of my head...scary. I willingly admit there is a real-life 'Bing' commercial going on in my noggin. Did I mention scary?

In the past month, I've had a short spell of double vision, some slow swallow and fatigue, and then a few plasma treatments to catch me back up from my experiment with coming down off steroids. Yes, I was working with the Dr. on that experiment, and he didn't really want to do this. At least we know now, how much work the immunesuppressant is helping (or not), and how much the steroids are supporting me. More and more it seems immunesuppressants are not able to do for me, what we had hoped they would. Ok, I wave the flag of surrender...Steroids it is....for now. Hopefully we can remain at the minimal dosage, and not need to increase! Hopefully my body will play nice and not require plasmapheresis! Hopefully after a month pheresis-free Catheter #4 can come out! Who knows?

We visit our specialist in Dallas next week, and expect he will agree, that we may be able to drop the immunesuppressant and try balancing on steroids for a while. Well, thats my next planned experiment, and I'm hoping he has the same great idea... :)

This Myasthenia stuff is a real pain in the butt...This is why MG is referred to as a snowflake disease, where no two people experience the disease in the same way. I suppose if MG were easy, I would become bored quickly and find something else to tinker with. Probably safer for everyone that I'm pre-occupied with me and the gazillion discussion about anything, in my head. I think God made me my own entertainment/babysitter. "Ah-ha!" Time to go add leaded coffee to the mix...

Have a great day!