Where have you been? I've been chatting away and turned around to only see me, myself and I were within earshot. (Where does the term 'earshot' come from? I'm stumped!) Yeppers, we've been chatting up a storm over the past month and quite honestly, they bore me. We've been talking...correction...I've been talking to them (to me) about this crazy Myasthenia stuff, and feeling a bit low.
I want to tell you today is day 99...and that I'm still symptom free, but I can't. Over the past 2 weeks, they've been ramping up. It started with the small leaks of airflow with my speech. I felt it once, then again the same day, and it was then I knew we were getting ready to slide. Today, I'm working hard to keep my head up..no really...I'm leaning back as I type. Once my neck tilts forward, its over. The past week hasn't been crisis level, but the body is fatigued, my speech and swallow have slowed, breathing has been labored and yes, the eyes have even crossed..and uncrossed..and crossed again. OH NO! Oh yes.
As Lee and I agreed yesterday, if we'd not been through this stuff before, it would be rather scary. The symptoms are normal for me. Now, what do we do?
If you've been reading along, you know we've been tinkering with my medications. As of today, I'm simply on steroids for the Myasthenia. Are we seeing the effects of my body being totally off the immunosuppressant? Maybe. Do we need to add that back to the 'diet' plan? Could be. Is plamapheresis still an option. Absolutely. We'll figure it out as we go, and in the mean time, just gotta keep my head up!