I can see my cheeks..on my face..in my peripheral vision. Some days, there is more cheek to see than on others, but my cheeks are there by golly..again. I'm eating like a champ, life is good! Today is 71 days today of good days, and we keep counting.
Yes, I'm still counting, and I look back now and then to remember the last time I didn't feel good. When did I last have double vision? When was it that I last choked trying to chew food or sip water? When was it last that I needed a nap? Ok, the nap is pushing it, because I still take those. When was it that I last needed help raising my hand? (It was 71 days ago Rachel, you've already shared this?! duh) My point is that it is important to reflect and remember the struggles, to appreciate the good. Count the good days! Mom and Dad would always get after us to stop looking up the row of peas/beans we were picking, and look at how much we'd already completed. It's a good life lesson.
June was Myasthenia Gravis (MG) awareness Month, and by golly, I'm aware. We continue to decrease my immunesupressant drug, and will be done with this later in the month. We're also playing limbo with the steroid to see how low I can go, before symptoms show up. We know they work, so we'll just "tinker till we caint" (now reread that with the best twang you can). In the midst of living symptom free, I'm back to my fighting weight and have actually had to go buy bigger pants. See, I'd given up on ever fitting my clothes from 2+years ago, and gave them to Goodwill. Whoops. I am now allowed back into the women's clothing section, so I feel good.
To be fair, in any other situation, going up in size would freak this gal out. None the less, I have my bucket of beans, and I'm remembering where we've been, and I'm pretty happy to be right where