Friday, January 15, 2010

Daniel and the Fistula

This week feels like its been a rough one. Monday began with a fistualgram, that became a fistualgraph, that resulted with a 'thrill' that remains rather quiet. Now, you might read this and have immediately thought, "Rachel is being silly with her nonsense words." They're real..and I'll let you Google them all.

My fistula was created in August, 2009. We (Lee, myself and the Drs.) took great caution and care with this because my anatomy provided small veins and arteries to begin with. With that, we waited to use the fistula until is was just right. It was just right in December...and we elected to perform the first access this month. Over the month's time, the fistula fizzled. Feels a bit like losing a friend.

SO, in an effort to save the rascal, the procedure was scheduled for Monday. Ouch, but a learning experience. Its Friday, the fistual remains quiet, and I'm told the catheter in my chest may need to be removed and replaced. Ouch again...

We're studying Daniel in our small group, and moving through the Daniel's fast as I type. One thing sticks in my mind, about Daniel not wanting to eat from the King's table. He was avoiding the unclean food and the related gluttony, only asking for vegetables. He was humble and simple and wanting only to shine and glorify God.

Moving through this fast, and craving coffee and sweet tea as I do, I'm moved to remember than I can do with less. I can survive a few hunger pains. When I get complacent...I can deal with a little shake up, a little more discomfort, and little less convenience. With God, and we can shine a little brighter.