I really dont know if I have a good title for this blog...other than 'not sure'. As I type this though, I think it rather sums up what I'm thinking. I'm not sure.
We learned yesterday, that the fistual created in my arm, last August...which we've been waiting, and waiting, cautiously waiting...to use, may no longer be a viable access point. WTH! The Dr. was ready to go last month, and I was shocked, b/c we'd waited so long. We agreed to hold off 1 more month, to get through the holidays. Well as things have gone, in the last month, something occured that has quieted the 'thrill' of the fistula. Monday, we'll go in for a procedure called a fistulagram..like an angiogram... I dont know how you properly spell that..but the balloon in the vien process. Maybe we can save the dang thing. Everyone worked hard to create it, and by golly we've spent a lot of energy getting ready for it.
Oddly enough, the thought of using it scares me, but if the fistula is not sucessfully used, then the catheter must remain in my chest. In fact the darn catheter is trying to get infected on me. I've been on anitbiotics for the past few weeks, trying to get rid of the...never mind. We'll just say its just healing nicely! ;) Seeing as how I've grown rather attached to this aparatus in my chest, I'll continue to care for it and pray it hangs in there, until something better comes along.
Ok, thats all I've got. Sarah suggested I create a blog, and so I'll try picking this back up. Welcome to 2010.