Cyclical...its all cyclical, right? There was a point in my life where I felt that the same people, the same events, the same mistakes, the same everything...kept happening over, and over again, and I had no control. Today is one of those days. It feels very familiar.
However, amidst the drama in my mind, today I very well know this merry-go-round will be my ride, only if I let that happen...if I participate. The fact that I'm aware of this much, means that I am a willing participant, if one at all, yes? Then today, I knowingly and willing choose to avoid being sucked into the swirling mass of crazy, that can so easily engulf my world.
We all deal with this know it, I know it... Owning the fact that you contribute to this same cycle, is pretty huge. Today, I had a few things trigger me into déjà vu scenarios. Phone calls, catheter discomfort, washing hair with a cup, others' emotions, listening to the same stories, being greeted by familiar energy levels, receiving emails from someone once close...the list goes on. It can bring you down! does me. So what do you do?
You stop. You try to understand why YOU are reacting, and how YOU may be causing or enabling the issue. Maybe the issue only exist in your mind...and if so...why? Maybe YOU need to communicate to someone other than that cute voice in your head that never leads you astray (hahahaha), or maybe YOU need to stop what you're doing and clear your mind. Or maybe YOU need to rest and refocus. Its ok to wear out, and be tired. We are human. Its ok to disengage for a bit, and step off the merry-go-round.