Wednesday, October 6, 2010

My fear factor

I've been hiding. No excuses, except for fear. Why? Well, because things have been very good.

How crazy does this sound? I'm hiding out because I feel good and honestly, I'm afraid to talk about it or acknowledge that fact, because I expect it will end the streak. I'm not a superstitious person, but for some reason, I've become skiddish about this one. We'll see what happens.

Since my last note, 2 weeks ago, my vision cleared and I've had almost 2 really good weeks. Minimal symptoms, and eating lots. I'm excited to see the scale tipping in the other direction (weight on!). We met with the MS doctor and have direction on the medicine that is best for me (Copaxone). My case is mild, but we want to begin treatment in consideration of life 10...20 years down the road. Follow up scans will be done down the road, to watch the lesions. With the help of amazing friends, we moved me into Lee's condo last weekend, and the unpacking continues. I may have had slightly more 'stuff' than I thought I did.... :)

Lots of fun stuff going on this month! To keep up, I continue to rest up during the weeks, eat lots when I can, soaking up the cooler weather in Austin, TX, and enjoy every bit of my life. God has blessed me with so much, it would be a shame to stick my head in the sand and miss all that's going on.