Friday, February 25, 2011

Check your tokens

Day 11! Oh yeah, we're rocking and rolling now. Its amazing that after almost a year of planning, our wedding has taken place and is now its over. What an *awesome* night this was! what an awesome weekend! Two weeks ago, my vision doubled, and then I will tell you we prayed it away. One week ago, we were celebrating with friends and family from all over the world, preparing for our wedding on Saturday. Amazingly enough, my body has held up! Aaaamen!!

Myasthenia (MG), like Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and other diseases, is one with which your energy level is limited. The story is told in many different ways, but for brevity, imagine you have 10 tokens of energy in a given day. Much like currency, you must spend your tokens through the day, and once spent, it is gone. Imagine getting up and brushing your teeth requires 1 token. Cooking breakfast requires 2 tokens. Participating in a project at work under deadline with the boss yelling, requires 3 tokens. You've hardly reached lunch time, and already you're energy tokens have been greatly depleted. You still need to pick up the kids, buy groceries, cook, do homework, etc. Where does the energy come from? There is no such thing as an energy ATM, but you can save your tokens up...prepare for large spending! Our wedding weekend was just that, a large energy expenditure, but OOOOH so worth it.

No honeymoon just yet. Lee and I are already back in action, by contributing to and leading a team with the MDA's Muscle Walk fundraising event tomorrow morning. Such an awesome group of people, striving to help those fighting neuromuscular diseases. We are fortunate that Myasthnia Gravis is one of the 40+ diseases under the Muscular Dystrophy Association's umbrella! This Saturday may require an extra token or 2. Wait, I say that but think better of it now. In taking part in tomorrow's event, I will likely gain a token...boost my energy level a bit, by being around others like us. Actually...we have no problems...when standing next to those who can't stand at all. My tokens will be just fine.