Indeed, its time to chew! Yesterday was the first day in 2 weeks, that I could see straight again..yeah baby! With that, the chew swallow is better too. Actually, my chew/swallow started to correct last Thursday, and the vision corrected this Thursday...well, yesterday..and then a week prior...make sense? Makes me dizzy...literally and figuratively. (My coffee is working now).
Everything is cyclical, or so it seems. It's an easy rationalization anyway. I must say, whenever I get comfy with the idea that I've figured something out (this pattern, or that trigger), then things tend to be shaken up. Its almost like the Big Guy is saying ..."Um..its not yours to figure out, but thanks for playing Rachel."
So, I do get nervous to think anything is stable, but I do enjoy the calms. In those times, I realize how much is going on around me, that has nothing to do with me. ;) Its awesome to take a deep breath and see how much good is going on in the world, despite the horrible things we can focus on. Lee had a pretty awesome story make it to press today, and it was a lot of hard work on his part to make it happen. I'm glad my eyes are clear and my voice is strong, so that I can cheer him on, and celebrate this day! Aunt Dot is not feeling well, and needs prayer warriors lifting her up. I'm glad my mind is alert so that I can listen and pray. A dear friend is having test to confirm an autoimmune disease is fighting her. I'm grateful my experience with this, can help me to comfort her.
I'm not sure how to wrap this entry up...I'll just leave you to chew on this... ;)