Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Also Known As

Well helloooo there! Its been a while, and thanks for reading. Its so much fun to learn who's popping in to keep up with us. I can't thank you enough for reading along, and for your prayers.

Tomorrow, I go in for another spinal tap...I mean 'lumbar puncture'. I'm not sure that one or the other sounds better, and sometimes its just called LP. Yeah, this is that nasty procedure where they poke ya in the spine and let you drip a little bit of spinal fluid into a vile. We've gone through this twice before, last year, when trying to diagnose the MG. The LPs were intended to rule out MS, and we had. Now, we're hoping to rule it out again.

Through a series of events, I had a MRI 2 weeks ago, and it turns out there is a spot or 'activity' (no jokes) on my brain scan that wasn't present a year and a half ago. SO...we need to test the good ole spinal fluid again, to see whats going on..or not going on I suppose. Thank goodness we know what to expect with the procedure, and no matter what comes back from the test, we're ready.

As it is, people with auto-immune disorders are very likely to develop additional conditions. Go figure! I suppose with your body compromised, anything is possible.

We ask for your prayers, and again thank you for each one. If there is *anything* we can pray for in your world, please let me know! Most have my email, but if you do not, post a note and we'll connect. All we can do is 'pray it forward' right?