..and we're back. Back in Austin, and back to work. Yesterday we were up early to the airport, arrived safely, picked up cars, dropped off bags, picked up lunch on our way to work, and I even had a treatment! Whewww... What a fun trip Lee and I had back home. We spent lots of time with family, ate, played outside, slept, travled into N. GA, went to church with Ma & Pa, played with sparklers, ate, and ate some more.
Travel is rough with MG, regardless of how much you sit still and do nothing during that travel. Once in Texas again, my speech was slipping quickly and my eyes crossed. SO glad we had a pheresis treatment scheduled. It helped my mouth loosen some, and my eyes are much better today. Now, I still sound funny, my eyes are weak and by the end of the day I will see double..and that's ok, because I expect it, and can rest tonight.
In speaking with a coworker just now, who has dietary/medical craziness in her life, we share much of the same struggles. We each go through so much trial and error simply trying to understand more about what we have and how best to manage our lives. The small things, like testing how long you can go with out treatment or how you might react to a different variable (food/medicine/treatment), helps understand more and that helps remove worry. We can't control any of this (most important realization), but we can do our best to manage it (second most important realization). Anything after that is gravy! ...beef gravy even, because that's my favorite. Who invented that white sausage gravy anyways...its just not right ;)
Think I'll look for country fried steak and gravy for lunch now...yum...