Saturday, November 5, 2011

Ready, Set, Rituxan is a GO!

Rally the Rituxan!

We have the green light. We're going to try Rituxan. I'm still learning how to spell that word. This past week and this coming week, we are pheresing (is that word?) my body, a total of six times. Three down, three to go! Why? We do this to make my body as strong as possible, and then try to avoid plasmapheresis, after the initial Rituxan treatment. Why? So as to avoid removing the drug from my body, before it has time to do what it needs to. Its debatable if it happens, but why risk it, right? Why? Because I said so!

The Rituxan will be administered once a week, over four weeks. This seems to be the protocol used for other conditions/diseases, so it is also being applied to treatment/management/fight against Myasthenia Gravis. Oh yeah, did I mention the Rituxan is intended to help manage the Multiple Sclerosis as well? Bonus Plan!! Two diseases, 1 stone!

So its time...time to try something new and see what may be in store for us. The hope and goal is after the initial weeks of Rituxan, that my body will not need plasmapheresis. Considering I don't last much more than a week or so now, between treatments, I feel we'll know quickly if the Rituxan is helpful. By quickly, I mean after the 2nd or 3rd week of treatment.

Ah heck, who knows....just send up a prayer and buckle in. We're ready to kick start this new ride!