Sunday, November 20, 2011

Can you hear the circus music?

Today, I am frustrated. My eyes are getting weak, and my speech has already began to fade. Yeppers, late last week, and right on schedule, the dang MG symptoms started to surface. Was this expected? Of course. Did I hope it wouldn't happen? YOU BET!

I didn't really get my hopes up for a 1-shot miracle cure from the first dose of Rituxan, but by golly, this gal was holding out a little hope. What's next? What do you do? How do you avoid choking on Thanksgiving Turkey???? you understand my priority! :)

Considering my appetite these days (thanks steroids!), I want to eat all the turkey I can! The wonderful team of nurses are working with me to do a plasmapheresis treatment tomorrow, so that we get this in before the 2nd Rituxan treatment on Tuesday. Oh the juggling act! Thank God for these amazing people, who know me and want to help.