Wednesday, December 25, 2013

What were the drummers drumming?

Rejoice - Punctuation - Reunion - Rest - Presence - Doing for Others - Music -Sport - Gifts from the heart - 

(Technically, I DID start this blog entry yesterday (24th)..and life just happens)

"On the 12th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, 12 drummers drumming"
What do you suppose they were drumming about? Were they the marching band leading in the next big thing?

This is my 12th day of Christmas, and the 12 days have been joyous. It has been a good exercise for me in slowing down to really feel whats going on around me.  I am the gal that will tel you I'm really relaxed and going with the flow, but then walking that walk is another exercise all together.   Today, for my 12th day of Christmas, I want to celebrate the excitement of new beginnings.  

I think this emotion follows everything we do with the holidays.  We reunite with family and friends, we shop for a big party, we dress up, we gift exchange, we welcome tradition, we anticipate rest. We participate in so much during the holidays, and then we (sometimes quietly) look forward to the end...or the new beginning. So we celebrate a new year, and then off we go to the races...again. 

Christmas for me, is a celebration of new beginnings.  Sure, you can tell me Jesus wasn't really born on this day, and that a holiday like Christmas wasn't celebrated in December, or that many of our traditions are pagan in nature.  I don't care.  You don't like my gifts?  Give them back. I choose to celebrate right now. I choose to celebrate the birth of Jesus. I choose to honor a tradition of Santa Clause. I choose to wake up and have coffee, and celebrate the sunshine on my face and the breathe in my lungs.  I choose to be happy.

I look forward to every day I'm blessed with on this earth, and hope that I respect each one as a new beginning.  The holidays are like the Superbowl of gratitude.  Lumping Thanksgiving and Christmas together, sprinkled with New Years Day, and've got closure to that calendar year and all the crazy that took place.  We tell ourselves that we should use this time of year to reflect on all things past and learn from them and plan what we will do differently in the next calendar year.  We read magazines and watch TV that tell us who to vote for, who to hate, what we should look like, or what we should eat, or where we should live and work, and we strive for this crap. Sorry...  that's a whole 'nuther soapbox.

Regardless of where we find motivation, we typically use this time of year to reset and call a new year into play.  We set new goals, we aim for improvement, we hope for better things and clarity along the way.  Its gives us strength and excitement to start the new year.  What will you do differently?  How will you better serve your soul? How will you better support your neighbor? How will you better love your neighbor?

With the 12 days of Christmas, I celebrate new beginnings and the closure of the past year, and the hope and joy that come with the next year. I celebrate the eternal life I choose to believe in, and the hope this provides. I celebrate the excitement of new adventures, and the completion of others.

Rejoice Punctuation, and Reunion with Rest, while sharing Presence in Doing for Others and giving Gifts from the heart, and listening to Music in anticipation of New Beginning"

Merry Christmas Y'all

Monday, December 23, 2013

Day 11 and no cash is required!

Day 11…we are so close!  I’ve made it a goal to share my joy with you during the 12 days of Christmas.  My joys; those ideas which bring joy into my life at any given moment!

I’m trying to think back to where my head was when this first started. Lee and I were in conversation about the real reason for the season of Christmas, and how (my words) it often feels so commercial and stressful that many wont enjoy the time with family and friends. We (can) just lose sight of the celebration! For this purpose, I really, really enjoy Thanksgiving.  Zero expectations except to eat some bird, nap, eat more, watch a little football, run around the yard with the kids, and eat some more. 

Why can’t Christmas be the same?  Why can’t we share gifts that have NOTHING to do with Mr. Retailer?  What can you GIFT your loved ones that does NOT require fighting the lines or signing up for that 30-day free trial with Amazon Prime for the excellent shipping deals?  

Please don’t misunderstand me; I really enjoy giving and receiving gifts and sharing time with one another around the tree.  I truly love seeing the excitement in the eyes of children when they tear apart gifts.  It can all be super joyous!!!  Many find their joy in providing those same gifts.  My question stands.  What can you GIFT your loved ones with, that does not require shopping? What emotion can you share? How can you contribute to their day, week, year? How would something like this be a gift to YOU?

Day 11, and Christmas Day is just around the corner of the calendar. ...and then what?  What will you do to carry the season with you? What will you carry in your heart that reminds you of the joy you felt this season? Did you feel joy this season?  

As you’re marking tasks off the lists this week (Grocery shopping-check; Laundry-check; Read Rachel’s ramblings-check; wrap 20 gifts in different wrapping paper with the hand- made name tags and imported ribbons-check), remember to give yourself a gift as well. Remember to allow yourself the gift of joy. Give yourself permission to experience this emotion. Find joy in your day, in every hour, in each home, at each stop light, with each shopper, with every passing car. Smile. Waive. Hug. Gift the world with YOUR joy!

On the 11th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…gifts from the heart.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

On the 10th Day of Christmas; Blue 42, Brown 22, HIKE!

On the 10th day of Christmas, the joy I share with you is the joy sports! 

Today we will get to see my Denver Broncos play the Houston Texans.  I could insert a little smack talk here, but we’ll stay on point.  This may feel a little out of the ordinary with the 9 prior days of Christmas, but I think it blends nicely.

This morning I woke up conflicted about what my joy was today. When I finally slowed down to actually connect and feel what I’m excited about, I realized it didn’t have much to do with Christmas, except it does!  My football team has flown all the way down to Texas to visit me and give me the gift of a football game in my backyard!  We’ll, not MY backyard, but close enough that I’ll jump the neighbor’s fence and play in their backyard.

It IS like a Christmas gift to me, and this will be Lee’s first NFL game. Bonus!!  What’s the big deal?  I really enjoy becoming lost in sporting events.  Not lost in the arena, ‘can’t find my mommy, please call for help’ kinda lost, but the lost that comes about when you enjoy something enough that you are able to tune the rest of the world out. 

I’ve always been an athlete and life tried to slow that down, and I have some, but the passion remains.  When conversations about politics, religion and rules start up, I walk away.  You really have to earn my trust in order for me to even think about chatting with you on those topics.  That said, you don’t have to know me at all and I’ll scream Go Broncos!  Right at cha’.

Much like any cause, team, even that we may be excited for, we want to share the joy.  For some, that may be the topics I stay away from, but for many, something like a football game may be the joy they need to escape the craze of a shopping lists on December 24th, or a family dinner that involves conversations about the ballot box, or maybe the gazillion voices in one’s on noggin’. 

So there ya go… a little bit different, but MY joy none the less.  The joy of sports with those like me!
From Houston this morning, GO BRONCOS!!

Saturday, December 21, 2013

On the 9th day of Christmas do you need a hug?

Rejoice - Punctuation - Reunion - Rest - Presence - Doing for Others - Music -
"Rejoice Punctuation, and Reunion with Rest, while sharing Presence in doing for Others and listening to Music"

"On the 9th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, the gift of sharing life with youuuuuuu."

I am very much aware that not everyone has someone to share with.  The way I see it, there are those who are either physically alone on this planet, those who are mentally alone on this planet, or spiritually alone.  To have vacancy in any of these areas, can really be defeating.  Sometimes that goes unnoticed.

Wow, that's a heavy start to day 9! Not my words, but mine to share.  Day 9 and I am waking up to a house full of family.  We have a day full of family time (with family and family of friends).  Tonight we will enjoy family.  Tomorrow I will enjoy family..and football..and family again. My family is large. You are my family too. Family is everywhere, and thank God for that.

This Christmas season, I have been most excited for this single week. Not for any one day, or person, or event, but for what will be a week of relaxing, enjoying all the prep work that has been done, and simply savoring time with family and friends.  You have NO idea when it will be your last visit with that eccentric aunt, or the over loud cousin who forgets he's inside, or the neighbor who just wont clean up that one thing on the yard, or the sibling who still resents the sweater you gifted last winter, or the parent who loves you so much they don't know when to stop checking on your grocery list.

Today, tomorrow, next Wednesday, could be the very last moment you have to share this life with that person.  What have you learned from them? What have they taught you about yourself? What have you SHARED with them?  Have you maintained a safe distance and strong walls around your heart so they do not have the chance to get close? Have you allowed your own vulnerability and flaws to be a topic of discussion?  Nooooo....why would we go that far??

Why would we go so far as to share life with someone to the point that you are not afraid to start the conversation with a hug, which leads to a responding squeeze, which leads to a feeling of hope, then joy, then conversation about the meal which leads to the discussion about plans that day, then memories about the past experiences and hopes for the future and fears that come with that,  then current struggles, current hopes, current joys, current feelings about life....why would we do that?

Why wouldn't we do that?  What good reason do you have to NOT share life with a certain person? We don't share with everyone the same way, but we can share elements of our world, with various people. If you aren't surrounded by that kind of family (again, blood, marriage, friend...all count), then you need new people, and I"ll be the first in line to give you that hug.

I share the joy of ...whats do we call this... sharing life with others

Friday, December 20, 2013

Day 8 - Tune in!

Rejoice - Punctuation - Reunion - Rest - Presence - Doing for Others - Anticipation

"Rejoice Punctuation, and Reunion with Rest, while Anticipating sharing your Presence in doing for Others" ...this will be fun   

Day 8!  Based on my scientific research, there are 4 more days before Christmas.  I'm not counting the day of...I mean today plus 4, which lands us on the 24.  The red carpet walk, before the party.  This year, the holidays have felt different.  There is no single reason why. I can tell you many reasons..but not all today. Actually, I started the season in a humbug mood, especially when I saw 'Santa' for sale in the stores, before my jack-o-lantern was lit.  That just ticks me off.  Dear Mr. Retailer...stop it. 

I'm pretty sure I spent less time this year looking for sales, coupons, lines, etc.  We considered what we wanted to buy, made a list, checked it twice, then fought the internet traffic for a place in line, only to check out with great ease.  ...and thanks in part of Momma-elf in the GA workshop, who agreed to wrap some of these quick online purchases, upon arrival.  

Point, click, shop.  A few in-store purchases were made too, but we were focused.  That is NOT easy in Bed, Bath, and Beyond.  I will give you a reason why I need to stop and consider each and every booklight, pop up speaker thingy, and eye mask.  Not to mention those large plastic cups with your fav sports team.  I do NOT need one (have them!), but feel a need to look for our teams every time I walk buy...I mean by.  

I could go on..but my point is that our shopping was easy, and basically done.  Stress reduced! The house has been cleaned well enough and we are ready for family and friends to visit. The tactical planning has paid off in spades.  So is planning my joy? No...although is DOES make me happy. I am a planner to a fault sometimes.

My joy is the music! *WHAM* That just happened.  What the heck, lost my stream of thought....?

I've made a point to listen to one of my fav radio stations this season, and really listened to the Christmas songs.  Rather than letting those songs aggravate me, in the car, in the house, at the grocery store, in the store parking lots (really, Mr. Retailer was blaring...I mean into the parking lot!), I chose to enjoy them.  I chose to enjoy the music of the season, and it has been an excellent side kick while staring at webpage to compare deals.  I sing loudly and off tune, in the car, in the house, and at work. Actually less singing, more whistling at work.  Fa la la la la, la la, la la

SO, find a station, tune in, and lighten up!  The prep work has been done, you've walked the red lets relax and start to really appreciate the holiday, the wonderful people around us, the accomplishments of the past year, the struggles we've over come, and the excitement of new things ahead.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Day 7 - Ready? Ready? Huh, Huh?

Rejoice - Punctuation - Reunion - Rest - Presence - Doing for Others
"Rejoice Punctuation, and Reunion with Rest, while sharing Presence in doing for Others" ...Funny...  

On the 7th Day of Christmas, my true love gave to me....the joy of Anticipation!

I can NOT even imagine what Mr Wiseman was feeling while tracking his directions to a tiny baby, by way of a really big star, or how excited the shepherds were to see that hosts of angels or to run on in from the fields to sneak a peek at the baby in the stable.  I can only guess that confusion came first (is this a prank call?), then excitement (OMG! its time!), maybe a few moments of planning (which direction, what do I carry, who do I tell?), then focused action (if we leave now, we beat the traffic, and make it by dinner), and anticipation (Can't wait for the party!).  

Mixed emotions, but all based on the anticipation of something great. We deal with anticipation all the time, for one thing or another.  However, my anticipation is often laced with worry over details.  Sometimes my anticipation OF the worry, will stop me all together.  Silly, but its real.  

The holidays bring anticipation with worry, but the season brings joy as well.  Details, details, details...blah, blah, blah...check the task off the list, feel better.  Whatever.  How about, Stop. 

Stop and enjoy the real reason for the frantic pace.  I stress about laundry...because why? Because I want to wear clean clothes while visiting with family and friends?  I might stress about shopping...because why?  If I don't give a gift they wont think I care? Maybe my home isn't decorated most perfectly, and I worry, why?  Because there is a judge walking around to tell me I've failed the neighborhood contest of 'who did best and has the most holiday spirit contest?' "We've got spirit, yes we do, We've got spirit how about you?" Yeah, its always a competition of some sort... with MYSELF. (I'm typing with a really heavy sarcastic tone. Does that translate?) 

So, get the heck outta my way Self, and just relax and enjoy anticipation for the RIGHT stuff!  
I'm so excited to spend quality time with family and friends who won't care about the outfit; to share small tokens of  gifts just to see smiles of joy or laughter at the silliness; to plug in the lights on the simple Christmas tree at home and enjoy the holiday vibe at home.  Relax, and savor the season of joy.  

Today, lets celebrate Anticipation of the good stuff, and what this season is really all about.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Day 6 - I challenge YOU

Rejoice - Punctuation - Reunion - Rest - Presence

On the 6th Day of Christmas, I choose to celebrate the JOY of DOING FOR OTHERS!

Once a year, I bust out the bake ware and make banana bread.  I enjoy this time, despite my lack of skill in the kitchen. Know that Momma taught me just fine, but my lazy side wins the mental battle most days. Sorry, Lee! Regardless, we are blessed and don't go hungry.

Last night however, was exciting for me because I was doing something I enjoy (baking) and was anticipating sharing the product of this effort with others.  The radio was on, the house was cool enough to feel like fall, and warm enough in the kitchen to wear shorts, the Christmas tree is up, the cat was sitting on his sofa watching quietly, and the night was still. Side note: Did you see that moon last night?

The scene was set to attempt something new...triple the normal recipe with new type flower and sweetener, rather than my regular go-to products. Exciting!!  I worried over the new materials, the little loaf pans, the trusty little mixer, the awesomeness of large mixing bowls, and my insecurity over baking time for these tiny loafs.  Ah, it turned out just fine.  ...well, the one loaf we tried hot out of the oven tasted ok.

All in all, a few hours later, and well past my bedtime, my goal was complete! Ready for delivery were 12 little loaf pans of banana bread, wrapped in different colors of plastic wrap. My MG arms were a bit tired, but by golly, my heart was full because I was more excited to do this for friends.

I challenge you today, to take part in a single act of random kindness, for someone you know or may not know. Many people are able to perform this type of humbling work on a regular basis, through out the year, and I hope to be that person one day. That said, if at the very least this season motivates me to leave my comfort zone and do something more for others, then then world is a better place.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Day 5: Your presence is present enough

Day 5 of Christmas, and 'tis the season to be jolly, and to shop, and to cook, and to create cards, and to make cookies, and to see lights, and to anticipate forgotten gifts, and to attend festive parties, and to survive the mall, and to take naps, and to spend time with family, and to wear layers, and to spend more time with family, and to forgetfully miss that one appointment, and to be dizzy with details, and to feel overwhelmed and out of control, and to try and regain control, and to melt down, and to sometimes cry or maybe yell.  Fa la la la la, la la la la.

Feeling festive?  Feeling joyous? Feeling tired? Feeling overwhelmed?  Feeling crowded? ...Yes.

I'm trying something new today and I'm typing on this post throughout the see if it is possible to remain PRESENT.  I'm blessed to do life with Godly women, who I can really share emotion with, and recenter myself.  Last night was that night. Day 5, and I share the joy of being present.

I admit that I am on autopilot right now and working to survive the holiday craze.  Then it smacked me in the face yesterday, while day dreaming of my happy places (Day 4), that I need to spend just a little time being present in my world.  Slowing down to really appreciate the alarm, and the reality that I've been gifted another day, and that my eyes can see the glaringly red numbers, that my ears can hear that horrible buzz teasing me to leave the warm covers, that my feet can feel the cold tile in the bathroom.

Its ok if my Christmas cards are late. Its ok if my gift shopping is incomplete.

I'm grateful for the chaos that comes with a job; the energy everyone shares in striving to do their best and keep customers happy, while balancing families, pets, and tasks; the teamwork that take place when everyone goes above and beyond in anticipation of the holiday and end of year close.

Its ok if my grocery list is put together later.  I have time to focus.

It is lunch time now. Lee and I completed a Christmas errand then picked up lunch to eat at our desks.  The weather outside is really beautiful and I'm glad we had time to spend together, and that we completed another item on the lists which wants to sneak up and scream at me.

hum... I'll stop writing on this post now.  I think my joy of presence is more about the joy of giving thanks for the things that I choose to let stir me up.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Day 4 - Rest up!

Day 4 of Christmas!  Wow, Christmas will soon be here, and my first thought is 'how am I going to get everything done in time?', and I suspect many of you are in the same place. It isn't as if the season of giving just snuck up on me. I'm pretty sure Christmas was scheduled at the same time last year...not like Thanksgiving that can flutter about.

Its days like today when I have to choose to slow myself down and reset priorities. One of my 'happy places' today, is thinking about the tall pasture grass as a kid, and how we would wade through this field with our hoodies zipped up trying to avoid ticks and bugs in our hair, and pretend to make trails or paths to find each other. Not a corn field, only a hay field, so we could actually stand up and see each other just fine.  The pasture was perfect for kids to play in, before the hay bailing started.  I picture my sisters and I running around after nothing, but just having fun playing in the sunshine.

Another peaceful place in my mind, is in the mountains.  We make an annual trip to Colorado, and one house we rented in particular had a pond off the back porch.  I'm an early riser, so I would sit out on the porch with my coffee and just admire how still the water rested.  It was so still, the amazing mountain peak was simply mirrored off the glass surface.  A dragonfly might whiz by and break the surface of glass, snapping me back to reality.  There is always a chill in the air, but the sun shines beautiful, offering just enough warmth which doesn't offset the coffee.  Later the ducks would come on by too, but thats because they wanted more Cheetos from our dinner plates.

These are my happy places today, and I cling to them as I crave the speed of 'slow'.  I've learned I am my own worst enemy when it comes to slowing down and resting.  I love, love, love being busy and interacting with people, but also respect that I must slow down and rest. If you cant do this for yourself, your body will do it for you.

On the 4th day of Christmas my true love gave to me, the joy of REST!  "He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: He leads me beside still waters" (Ps 23:2)  I celebrate rest and the beauty of slowing down amid the busy season.  ...and it's ok to do so.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Reunited and it feels so goooood

On the 3rd day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, reunion time with my dear friends!

Like many, I'd rather be on the couch at home, in place of mixing it up during the holiday season. I am NOT a hug fan of shopping in a crowded place, holiday or not.  I don't care to stay up much past 10 pm any more, and yes, I do enjoy the Early Bird Specials. No, I don't yet have a Senior Discount card...but I'm waiting by the mailbox.

Of course all of the above is only true until I start moving. When I relax and appreciate the gift giving focus of many shoppers, the beauty of the city in the late night hours, the variety in foods served after the actually sets, its at that moment, when I remove myself from the comfort zone of said couch, I have such a great time. This may be evidenced by a few public pictures from this season.

It always catches me off guard, that when I'm able to get out of my own way, things are simply that much more beautiful. Life outside the bubble!! Last night we enjoyed an annual outing with our friends, and for many friends it was time for reunion. We each become so harried in our 'real lives', that we cling to events in order to slow down.  Oxymoron? We often go to events, in order to slow down and reconnect with one another.

What if we strive to connect with one another, amid the chaos?  What if that quality time was actually part of the routine? What if we gave ourselves permission to slow down 1 day a month to really connect with another person, or a handful of people?  What if...we enjoyed 'reunion' every day?

On the 3rd day of Christmas, I share the joy of reunion with YOU.  If we haven't connected recently...maybe we should? ...maybe we should!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

12 days of Christmas: Day 2 (!) (?) (.) (#2) (...)

Day 2 of Christmas, and I'm excited!  When was the last time you really felt that eager excitement in your chest; in your belly; under your arms? We all know what I mean.  That excitement that you have and just cant wait to wrap up the chore your working on, so you can rejoin that reason for the 'butterflies' in your belly.  That jitter you feel just before meeting a new love, before running a race you've trained for, or before closing one chapter to begin anew.  The nervous little flutter that makes you feel like your 12 years old!

I've decided for the 12 days of Christmas, that I want to share different joys or emotions I feel. We give thanks in November, and in December, we celebrate! Day 1, we Rejoiced about health and in the deep thought of 'joice'.  If we REjoice, when do we first JOICE?  Seriously, this requires me to sit down and really connect with the cosmos....and I LOVE those moments.

Today, Day 2 of Christmas, I'm excited over punctuation!  I knoooow!!  What kinda crazy is in her coffee.  YES!  PUNCTUATION!  I am no good with punctuation, and even need to type slowly and pray for spell check to kick in, when I use this word in a sentence.  Recently, however, I'm clinging to the use of punctuation in the Bible. "The B-I-B-L-E, yes that's the book for me. I stand alone on the Word of God, the B-I-B-L-E." CRAY-zeeee.... hang on, hang on... stay with me.

I know some of you just went big eye'd on me and shutter to finish reading my ramble.  I'm not throwing a book at you, so don't duck and run.  For those who know the 23 Psalm, recite the first versus (sans punctuation): The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want ..NOW...where and how do you see/feel/remember the punctuation?

Dont cheat and look yet, but feeeeeel the words:
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.
The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want.
The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want.
The Lord is my shepherd? I shall not want?
The Lord is my shepherd! I shall not want?
The Lord is my shepherd I, shall not want;

Ok, the answer will vary depending on which version of the book you read, however, the majority of the versions print these words with a clear break in the thought, either with a semi-colon (;) or a sentence ending period (.) or exclamation point (!).  [so what, Rachel?]

My money says that most of you read that sentence like you were still a child and had to memorize the verse for Sunday School class.  Rambling all those words together.  The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.
Change your punctuation and emphasize those words differently. The Lord is my shepherd; (stop). Soak that in. It is written as a fact.  The first part of the sentence is a statement of fact. Now, I shall not want. (new thought). I-shall-not-want. Declarative in tone!  Soak it up...

I can go on and on, because I'm fascinated by the punctuation right now.
[Stop the bus]
Stop! the bus! (dont get hit!)
Stop the bus. (hop to it Superman)

Yes, my own use of punctuation is weak, but I'm excited to better punctuate my life!
How do you punctuate yours?

Friday, December 13, 2013

Two Years!

Yes, its been a really long time since I shared, and as I type this its crosses my mind that I've not checked on what my last post was.  Suppose some would say dont look back, it doesn't matter, type on sistah! Others may say I should really look and connect with the last post so as to pick up where I left off and maintain consistency.  (If you could only hear the inflection and tone in my head with either of those personas).

I sat down to type this morning with one clear thought in my mind, REJOICE.  This word has been stuck with me since church on Sunday.  "Rejooooice! Rejoooooice! Emmaaaaan-u-el...."  

My immediate reaction to this word is that I have SO much to rejoice for.  We are now TWO YEARS since the last Plasmapheresis treatment and first round of Rituxan!  That IS something to shout about.  In my last post, you read what Medical Remission means to me, what we do, how we live, etc.  In the world of Myasthenia, we are also working with many people around Texas to assist the upstart and continuance of support groups. We do what we can to share awareness of Myasthenia Gravis. 

After that initial reaction to 'Rejoice'...the second thought consumes me!  When did I FIRST joice?  ...ponder that!

Happy Friday!