Monday, December 23, 2013

Day 11 and no cash is required!

Day 11…we are so close!  I’ve made it a goal to share my joy with you during the 12 days of Christmas.  My joys; those ideas which bring joy into my life at any given moment!

I’m trying to think back to where my head was when this first started. Lee and I were in conversation about the real reason for the season of Christmas, and how (my words) it often feels so commercial and stressful that many wont enjoy the time with family and friends. We (can) just lose sight of the celebration! For this purpose, I really, really enjoy Thanksgiving.  Zero expectations except to eat some bird, nap, eat more, watch a little football, run around the yard with the kids, and eat some more. 

Why can’t Christmas be the same?  Why can’t we share gifts that have NOTHING to do with Mr. Retailer?  What can you GIFT your loved ones that does NOT require fighting the lines or signing up for that 30-day free trial with Amazon Prime for the excellent shipping deals?  

Please don’t misunderstand me; I really enjoy giving and receiving gifts and sharing time with one another around the tree.  I truly love seeing the excitement in the eyes of children when they tear apart gifts.  It can all be super joyous!!!  Many find their joy in providing those same gifts.  My question stands.  What can you GIFT your loved ones with, that does not require shopping? What emotion can you share? How can you contribute to their day, week, year? How would something like this be a gift to YOU?

Day 11, and Christmas Day is just around the corner of the calendar. ...and then what?  What will you do to carry the season with you? What will you carry in your heart that reminds you of the joy you felt this season? Did you feel joy this season?  

As you’re marking tasks off the lists this week (Grocery shopping-check; Laundry-check; Read Rachel’s ramblings-check; wrap 20 gifts in different wrapping paper with the hand- made name tags and imported ribbons-check), remember to give yourself a gift as well. Remember to allow yourself the gift of joy. Give yourself permission to experience this emotion. Find joy in your day, in every hour, in each home, at each stop light, with each shopper, with every passing car. Smile. Waive. Hug. Gift the world with YOUR joy!

On the 11th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…gifts from the heart.