Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Day 6 - I challenge YOU

Rejoice - Punctuation - Reunion - Rest - Presence

On the 6th Day of Christmas, I choose to celebrate the JOY of DOING FOR OTHERS!

Once a year, I bust out the bake ware and make banana bread.  I enjoy this time, despite my lack of skill in the kitchen. Know that Momma taught me just fine, but my lazy side wins the mental battle most days. Sorry, Lee! Regardless, we are blessed and don't go hungry.

Last night however, was exciting for me because I was doing something I enjoy (baking) and was anticipating sharing the product of this effort with others.  The radio was on, the house was cool enough to feel like fall, and warm enough in the kitchen to wear shorts, the Christmas tree is up, the cat was sitting on his sofa watching quietly, and the night was still. Side note: Did you see that moon last night?

The scene was set to attempt something new...triple the normal recipe with new type flower and sweetener, rather than my regular go-to products. Exciting!!  I worried over the new materials, the little loaf pans, the trusty little mixer, the awesomeness of large mixing bowls, and my insecurity over baking time for these tiny loafs.  Ah, it turned out just fine.  ...well, the one loaf we tried hot out of the oven tasted ok.

All in all, a few hours later, and well past my bedtime, my goal was complete! Ready for delivery were 12 little loaf pans of banana bread, wrapped in different colors of plastic wrap. My MG arms were a bit tired, but by golly, my heart was full because I was more excited to do this for friends.

I challenge you today, to take part in a single act of random kindness, for someone you know or may not know. Many people are able to perform this type of humbling work on a regular basis, through out the year, and I hope to be that person one day. That said, if at the very least this season motivates me to leave my comfort zone and do something more for others, then then world is a better place.