Saturday, December 14, 2013

12 days of Christmas: Day 2 (!) (?) (.) (#2) (...)

Day 2 of Christmas, and I'm excited!  When was the last time you really felt that eager excitement in your chest; in your belly; under your arms? We all know what I mean.  That excitement that you have and just cant wait to wrap up the chore your working on, so you can rejoin that reason for the 'butterflies' in your belly.  That jitter you feel just before meeting a new love, before running a race you've trained for, or before closing one chapter to begin anew.  The nervous little flutter that makes you feel like your 12 years old!

I've decided for the 12 days of Christmas, that I want to share different joys or emotions I feel. We give thanks in November, and in December, we celebrate! Day 1, we Rejoiced about health and in the deep thought of 'joice'.  If we REjoice, when do we first JOICE?  Seriously, this requires me to sit down and really connect with the cosmos....and I LOVE those moments.

Today, Day 2 of Christmas, I'm excited over punctuation!  I knoooow!!  What kinda crazy is in her coffee.  YES!  PUNCTUATION!  I am no good with punctuation, and even need to type slowly and pray for spell check to kick in, when I use this word in a sentence.  Recently, however, I'm clinging to the use of punctuation in the Bible. "The B-I-B-L-E, yes that's the book for me. I stand alone on the Word of God, the B-I-B-L-E." CRAY-zeeee.... hang on, hang on... stay with me.

I know some of you just went big eye'd on me and shutter to finish reading my ramble.  I'm not throwing a book at you, so don't duck and run.  For those who know the 23 Psalm, recite the first versus (sans punctuation): The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want ..NOW...where and how do you see/feel/remember the punctuation?

Dont cheat and look yet, but feeeeeel the words:
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.
The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want.
The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want.
The Lord is my shepherd? I shall not want?
The Lord is my shepherd! I shall not want?
The Lord is my shepherd I, shall not want;

Ok, the answer will vary depending on which version of the book you read, however, the majority of the versions print these words with a clear break in the thought, either with a semi-colon (;) or a sentence ending period (.) or exclamation point (!).  [so what, Rachel?]

My money says that most of you read that sentence like you were still a child and had to memorize the verse for Sunday School class.  Rambling all those words together.  The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.
Change your punctuation and emphasize those words differently. The Lord is my shepherd; (stop). Soak that in. It is written as a fact.  The first part of the sentence is a statement of fact. Now, I shall not want. (new thought). I-shall-not-want. Declarative in tone!  Soak it up...

I can go on and on, because I'm fascinated by the punctuation right now.
[Stop the bus]
Stop! the bus! (dont get hit!)
Stop the bus. (hop to it Superman)

Yes, my own use of punctuation is weak, but I'm excited to better punctuate my life!
How do you punctuate yours?