Friday, December 13, 2013

Two Years!

Yes, its been a really long time since I shared, and as I type this its crosses my mind that I've not checked on what my last post was.  Suppose some would say dont look back, it doesn't matter, type on sistah! Others may say I should really look and connect with the last post so as to pick up where I left off and maintain consistency.  (If you could only hear the inflection and tone in my head with either of those personas).

I sat down to type this morning with one clear thought in my mind, REJOICE.  This word has been stuck with me since church on Sunday.  "Rejooooice! Rejoooooice! Emmaaaaan-u-el...."  

My immediate reaction to this word is that I have SO much to rejoice for.  We are now TWO YEARS since the last Plasmapheresis treatment and first round of Rituxan!  That IS something to shout about.  In my last post, you read what Medical Remission means to me, what we do, how we live, etc.  In the world of Myasthenia, we are also working with many people around Texas to assist the upstart and continuance of support groups. We do what we can to share awareness of Myasthenia Gravis. 

After that initial reaction to 'Rejoice'...the second thought consumes me!  When did I FIRST joice?  ...ponder that!

Happy Friday!